Prepared and unprepared hyacinths in pots Depending on the required flowering period and cultivar, the bulbs receive a cooling treatment at 9°C for 8 to 12 weeks. This cooling treatment is given after the bulbs have been planted in pots. Once potted, the cooling treatment takes place in the rooting room at the floriculturist's premises. After the cooling period has been completed, the pots are taken from the rooting room and placed in the greenhouse. At a greenhouse temperature of 25 (for Christmas flowering) to 18°C, the pots are ready for sale within 1 to 2 weeks (the warmer, the earlier). Depending on the preparation and the cultivar, the pots are ready for sale from December to April. Prepared and unprepared hyacinths for cut flower production Depending on the required flowering period and cultivar, the bulbs receive a cooling treatment at 9°C for 10 to 15 weeks. This cooling treatment is given after the bulbs have been planted in boxes. Once planted, the cooling treatment takes place in the rooting room or on the standing ground at the floriculturist's premises. After the cooling period has been completed, the boxes are taken from the rooting room or standing ground and placed in the greenhouse. At a greenhouse temperature of 20 to 18°C flowers will be ready for harvest in 2 to 3 weeks (the warmer, the earlier). After harvesting the whole plant, including the bulb, part of the base plate of the bulb just below the stem is left attached to the stem to encourage the proper opening of the florets. Depending on the preparation and the cultivar, flowers can be produced from mid-December to April. courtesy of