Narcissi / Daffodil Forcing Instructions

Tips for growing daffodils in the greenhouse

Forcing in boxes Nine-degree (pre-cooled) and non-cooled narcissi Depending on the required flowering period and cultivar, the bulbs receive a cooling treatment at 9°C for 14 to 18 weeks. The cooling treatment is applied after the bulbs have been planted in boxes. The boxes are then placed in the rooting room at the floriculturist's premises. Part of the cooling treatment can, however, be applied to the dry bulbs (nine-degree narcissi) before planting the bulbs in boxes; once planted, the cooling treatment continues until completed. Then the boxes are taken from the rooting room and placed in the greenhouse. At a greenhouse temperature of 18 to 16°C, flowers are ready for harvest in 2 to 4 weeks (the warmer, the earlier). Depending on the climate and cultivar, flowers can be produced from December to the end of March. Forcing in pots Nine-degree (pre-cooled) and non-cooled narcissi Depending on the required flowering period and cultivar, the bulbs receive a cooling treatment at 9, 5 and then 2°C for a total of 14 weeks. The cooling treatment is applied after the bulbs have been planted in pots, the pots being placed in the rooting room at the floriculturist's premises. The cooling treatment is applied to dry bulbs (nine-degree narcissi) of long-stemmed narcissi for 6 weeks before potting-up and completing the cooling treatment. After the cooling period has been completed, the pots are taken from the rooting room and placed in the greenhouse. At a greenhouse temperature of 15 to 18°C, the pots are ready for sale in 1 to 2 weeks (the warmer, the earlier). Depending on the climate and cultivar, the pots are ready for sale from December to the end of March. Forcing in the greenhouse border soil Nine-degree (pre-cooled) and non-cooled narcissi For this production method, the bulbs receive most or all of their cooling period naturally in the greenhouse border soil. If part of the cooling is applied to dry bulbs (i.e. unplanted), this is done in a cold store at 9°C (for nine-degree narcissi). Once the cooling period has ended, a greenhouse temperature of 18 to 16°C is maintained; the flowers are ready for harvest in 2 to 4 weeks (the warmer, the earlier). Depending on the climate and cultivar, flowers can be produced from December to the end of March. courtesy of