Peruvian Amaryllis Forcing Instructions

Tips for growing Peruvian amaryllis in the greenhouse

INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE FORCING OF POTTED AMARYLLIS 1) As soon as you receive the bulbs, stock them in a temperature of +05°C (+41°F), 65-70% of RH; therefore they will not sprout fast; 2) From 7 to 10 days before planting, transfer the bulbs, in their own boxes, to a warmer (+25°C / +77°F) and highly moist place (high RH); this procedure will allow the stems to start the process of sprouting; 3) Use a 6" pot (a pot about 1" in diameter larger than the bulb), take care of covering the roots and keep the neck of the bulbs free of soil; 4) Press the soil firmly; keep the level of the soil at least 1 cm from the top of the pot; 5) It is important to spill water on the top of the neck to clean the remaining soil, and at the same time to make the soil moist; 6) Take the pots into a greenhouse; organize them as close as possible; keep the greenhouse temperature at + 25°C to + 28°C (77°F to 83°F) and with high luminosity; 7) When you need a few leaves, keep the soil a little moist; when you need many leaves increase the volume of water; but be aware that too much water will result in long steams; 8) Sales stages: 9) Extra Important Advices: • The lack of light will cause long steams; • The variety FERRARI has a different development when compared to other varieties. It needs temperatures between +18°C (65°F) to + 20°C (68°F), besides less light. If it receives the same condition as other varieties (high light intensity and high temperature) it will produce very short steams and so fast that the new roots will not have enough time to appear; the flowers will open very quickly and the pot will not present a good look.